budibase spaceman

Think fast

Thoughts and ideas on how to build tools, automate workflows and speed-up the workplace.

Boosting developer productivity with Live Evaluation & Reusable Code Snippets

With today’s release, we’re pushing out two major updates to improve the developer experience in Budibase: Live Evaluation & Reusable Code Snippets. Live Evaluation offers real-time insights into your code’s behavior, allowing for immediate feedback without the constant need to toggle between the app preview and code editor. Meanwhile, Reusable Code Snippets, allow you to write blocks of JavaScript, such as formulas, in a centralized location, which can then be reused across your whole application.

Jamie Birss

Mar 19, 2024

New screen template – Forms 📄

Forms are fundamental to the Budibase experience. They are the gateway to your database, allowing you to add and update data with ease. With the critical importance of forms in mind, we’re excited to unveil our latest release: the Forms template. Traditionally, creating forms has been a time-consuming task, requiring developers to build each form from the ground up for every new application. This repetitive process not only slows down development but also diverts focus from more strategic tasks.

Jamie Birss

Mar 11, 2024

How to Build a Data Collection Form in 5 Steps

Data collection forms are critical to countless workflows - as diverse as client onboarding, field services, project discovery, incident responses, qualitative research, product surveys, and much more. In fact, they’re the building blocks of any data-centric process. Today, we’re diving deep into everything you need to know. Specifically, we’ll be covering the basics of what data collection forms are and where they’re used - as well as what our priorities are for creating effective solutions.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 29, 2024

How to Build and Embed a Form in 6 Steps

Embedding forms is probably the most common way to add interactivity to a webpage. For instance, we’ve all encountered embedded forms for submitting contact information, requesting a callback, or carrying out some kind of sign-up flow. However, how we build web forms can have a huge impact on the value we ultimately get from them. See, most teams build these using one of the following methods: Manually building forms with HTML and JavaScript, Using traditional form builders like JotForm or TypeForm , Using other SaaS tools or CMS platforms like Salesforce or HubSpot.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 27, 2024

How to Build an Availability Form

Availability forms are a key part of all kinds of processes - including employee scheduling, resource allocation, booking requests, and more. The trouble is that - compared to other kinds of forms - the data model you’ll typically need to handle availability can be fairly complex. Traditional form builder tools are rarely up to the task. On the other hand, countless teams handle availability using dated tools - like spreadsheets or even pen and paper.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 26, 2024

How to Build an Employee Complaint Form

Handling employee complaints is a delicate process. We’re faced with the dual challenges of gathering accurate information in a fair and transparent manner - while also securely handling potentially very sensitive data. A vast number of companies manage this using dated tools - like spreadsheets or even pen and paper. This approach fails on both fronts. Today, we’re checking out how custom web forms a more effective solution to this problem.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 22, 2024

Make work flow with Budibase's new n8n integration

Unlock powerful new workflows with the new Budibase n8n integration. This two-way integration enriches both platforms, offering a better approach for task automation in Budibase and a new way to manage your Budibase data in n8n. Automate workflows with the n8n Integration in Budibase First up, let’s talk about bringing n8n into Budibase. n8n is renowned for its powerful workflow automation capabilities, boasting an impressive array of 775 nodes spanning various applications and services.

Jamie Birss

Feb 21, 2024

10 Microsoft Access Alternatives for 2024

For a lot of businesses, finding a suitable Microsoft Access alternative for their needs is becoming pretty urgent. See, Access has been rumored to be reaching its end-of-life for a few years now - although Microsoft hasn’t unveiled any formal plans for a retirement party. Even so, in 2023, Access feels like a bit of a product of a bygone era. Not to be outwardly critical, but in the age of cloud computing, low-code development, DBaaS tools, and even AI, it’s tough for legacy platforms to keep up with the needs of modern businesses.

Ronan McQuillan

Feb 20, 2024

Join 100,000 teams building apps and making work flow